Service Infinite Platform

The significance of Customer Support and the critical function it performs in ensuring customer satisfaction are gaining prominence among businesses of all sizes. Enterprises contend with an abundance of information sources in the contemporary, ever-changing business environment. Customers and employees alike are frequently unable to locate the data they require in a timely and effective manner due to the complexity of this information landscape.

To begin with, is an enterprise-grade solution that leverages the capabilities of Dynamics 365 Customer Service to fundamentally transform the way your company handles customer inquiries and reveals pivotal insights. By serving as the nexus of all customer-related interactions, Service Infinite ensures that both your consumers and support staff experience a streamlined and effective process

key features

Key Features

Service Infinite's cutting-edge automation seamlessly routes inquiries, tapping into real-time insights to streamline support and mitigate risks. Its generative AI-powered Virtual Assistant handles a wide range of queries, while the comprehensive knowledge base and smart scripts empower advisors to deliver consistent, resolution-focused service. Designed as a transformative platform, Serve Square aggregates organizational data, delivering an exceptional omni-channel experience that elevates customer service to new heights.

Key Components


A smart sorter that channels customer queries to the ideal advisor - equipped with the right skills, language, and time zone - for seamless first-contact resolution.


A sentiment sentry that scans emails, chats, and communications to detect potential escalations and proactively defuse them before they ignite.


A digital concierge that handles customer inquiries about products and services, and smoothly transitions to a live HR expert for escalated issues.


A productivity powerhouse that equips support advisors with curated content and smart scripts for consistent, efficient customer query resolution


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